Monday, November 22, 2010


Salam and good day.. 

I always having a hard time to write down words that may trigger anyone's feelings or thoughts.. it is even harder, to spill it out - kompom teraburrr.. :p 
But syukur alhamdulillah, through my 3rd eye.. it does help me most!

Heard it from miscellaneous source.. and here, i share it to all of you : 

"Picture is a poetry without words"

hmm.. not much explanation needed, it is a simple statement and understandable to all (i hope so)

I started playing with a point and shoot digital camera, back in 2003.. It was then, i crafted my so-called creativity in photography. Cam-whoring, group, macro, scenery, buildings, travel, portraits, weddings.. semua aku hentam :)

Nikon CoolPix 3100, it was a 'just for fun' camera

Cambodia trip 2007 - it was fun!!
Photography can be fun, tak kira la guna kamera apa pun. Whatever camera that you own now, just make a full blast of it :) 

Local kids at Tonle Sap, Cambodia 2007

My name is Adzurif Awang. This is my first post of WarisJariManis - a new journey in photography. Insya-Allah, hope that i will be able to post more "poetry" in future :)

Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 2010
(shoot using Nikon D40, Nikon18-200 lens)